Friday, November 1, 2013

VB6 Trik - Mengukur Dimensi String Tanpa Fungsi API

Menjelaskan mengenai cara mengukur dimensi string yang menggunakan objek font tertentu tanpa menggunakan fungsi API.

Untuk berbagai keperluan, terkadang kita membutuhkan sebuah prosedure untuk mengukur dimensi sebuah string. Di samping dengan menggunakan fungsi API GetTextExtentPoint32, kitapun dapat mengukurnya dengan sebuah trik yang sederhana, di bawah ini adalah contohnya:

Option Explicit

Private Type hwFONT
Height As Integer
Width As Integer
End Type

Private Function GetWidthHeight(LabelCaption As String) As hwFONT
Dim lbl As Label, hwF As hwFONT
Set lbl = Controls.Add("VB.Label", "lblTestWidthHeight")
With lbl
.Caption = LabelCaption
.AutoSize = True
End With
hwF.Width = lbl.Width
hwF.Height = lbl.Height
GetWidthHeight = hwF
Controls.Remove "lblTestWidthHeight"
End Function

Private Function GetFontWidthHeight(LabelCaption As String, _
Optional FontName As String = "MS Sans Serif", _
Optional FontSize As String = 8) As hwFONT
Dim lbl As Label, hwF As hwFONT
Set lbl = Controls.Add("VB.Label", "lblTestWidthHeight")
With lbl
.FontName = FontName
.FontSize = FontSize
.Caption = LabelCaption
.AutoSize = True
End With
hwF.Width = lbl.Width
hwF.Height = lbl.Height
GetFontWidthHeight = hwF
Controls.Remove "lblTestWidthHeight"
End Function

Private Function GetFontObjectWH(LabelCaption As String, fntAny As StdFont) As hwFONT
Dim lbl As Label, hwF As hwFONT
Set lbl = Controls.Add("VB.Label", "lblTestWidthHeight")
With lbl
.Caption = LabelCaption
.AutoSize = True
Set .Font = fntAny
End With
hwF.Width = lbl.Width
hwF.Height = lbl.Height
GetFontObjectWH = hwF
Controls.Remove "lblTestWidthHeight"
End Function

Private Sub cmdTest1_Click()
Dim hwF As hwFONT
hwF = GetWidthHeight("Test")
List1.AddItem "Test"
Shape1.Width = hwF.Width
Picture1.Print "Height: " & hwF.Height & vbCrLf & "Widht: " & hwF.Width
End Sub

Private Sub cmdTest3_Click()
Dim fntList As StdFont
Dim hwF As hwFONT
Set fntList = List1.Font
Dim strString As String
strString = "Test Font object"
List1.AddItem strString
hwF = GetFontObjectWH(strString, fntList)
Shape1.Width = hwF.Width
Picture1.Print "Height: " & hwF.Height & vbCrLf & "Widht: " & hwF.Width
End Sub

Private Sub cmdTest2_Click()
Dim hwF As hwFONT
hwF = GetFontWidthHeight("Just Test")
List1.AddItem "Just Test"
Shape1.Width = hwF.Width
Picture1.Print "Height: " & hwF.Height & vbCrLf & "Widht: " & hwF.Width
End Sub
Selanjutnya, dari contoh-contoh di atas yang akan kita gunakan untuk berbagai keperluan adalah:
Private Type hwFONT
Height As Integer
Width As Integer
End Type

Private Function GetFontObjectWH(LabelCaption As String, fntAny As StdFont) As hwFONT
Dim lbl As Label, hwF As hwFONT
Set lbl = Controls.Add("VB.Label", "lblTestWidthHeight")
With lbl
.Caption = LabelCaption
.AutoSize = True
Set .Font = fntAny
End With
hwF.Width = lbl.Width
hwF.Height = lbl.Height
GetFontObjectWH = hwF
Controls.Remove "lblTestWidthHeight"
End Function

Download project: String dimension (font height and width)

READ MORE - VB6 Trik - Mengukur Dimensi String Tanpa Fungsi API